“Circle” is a Sci-fi drama directed by Aaron Hann and Mario
Miscione that focuses on a group of 50 strangers who have been kidnapped and
forced to vote on who is to be executed next until only 1 is left. The atmosphere
of mystery and anticipation apparent within “Circle” is very similar to that of
“The Exam” (2009), pointing out flaws within society and personal stigmas that
we all may hold.
The premise of “Circle” is certainly not the most unique but
its added Sci-Fi twist does create a very dramatic atmosphere. Characters clash
over issues ranging from race, sex and age, again reiterating how
discriminatory people can be. The Sci-Fi twist of a potential alien race
studying how humans interact seems to be a clear metaphor for how ridiculous
and judgemental human can be. Although this film isn’t breaking any new grounds
when it comes to a thought provoking message, the plot is enough to have you
continue to watch even if it’s just to find how who survives!
The 1 ½ star rating on Netflix may be a little bit harsh but
it is understandable. Some of the acting and script is somewhat ‘questionable’ however
watching 50 people senselessly vote on who will die next like some sort of
morbid X-factor makes for surprisingly compelling viewing. I guess that’s what the
aliens thought too. A stylish set and strangely compelling plot makes for a
decent indie sci-fi flick.
2.5/5 – Not all that bad, although not all that good.